“Though she be but little, she is fierce” Devree Guido’s mom, Jessica Guido, shared this Shakespeare quote is Team Devree’s motto because, despite her challenges and small size, she has the heart of a warrior.
Devree was born with Autosomal Recessive Polycystic Kidney Disease (ARPKD). She had further complications with liver fibrosis and by the time she was 2 years old, she needed a liver transplant. In January 2016, doctors discovered Devree had internal bleeding and she was taken by life-flight to Doernbecher Children’s Hospital in Portland. She was then transported, three days later, to the Stanford Children’s Hospital in Palo Alto, California, to get more specialized care.
Devree’s mother, Jessica Guido, gave a piece of her liver to her daughter in hopes of helping her, but it got killed by blood clots. Devree received an urgent transplant two days later from their “angel” Melissa. Her kidneys started working again and she was able to come off dialysis and the new liver was working well. Devree finally came home after 120 days at Palo Alto. By the age of 3, Devree had already undergone two liver transplants.
At this point, her family knew Devree would eventually need a kidney transplant due to her type of kidney disease. ARPKD is a progressive disease in which cysts grow and take over functioning portions of the kidney. In June 2020, her kidneys could no longer support her body’s needs. Devree spent 10 days at Stanford Children’s Hospital starting dialysis treatments and has been traveling to Portland three days a week for treatments ever since.
Fortunately, a family member is currently in the final stages of being certified as a living organ donor for Devree. Jessica said “We have always shared her story in the hopes we will inspire people to register to be an organ donor with United Network of Organ Sharing.” For more information about registering to be an organ donor, visit https://unos.org/register-to-be-an-organ-donor/
Currently, there are nearly 2,000 children under the age of 18 on the National transplant waiting list according to www.organdonor.gov.
Devree is a living wonder. Jessica said, “What amazes me most about Devree is her positive outlook on life and her fighting spirit. No matter what, she always finds a way to have fun even in the most challenging circumstances. She has faced many battles in her life but she always has a smile on her face and just wants to be a 7-year-old girl.”
Last Sunday, Team Devree held a “Strut Your Kidney” Fun Run at Umpqua Sand and Gravel to raise awareness and funds for Northwest Kidney Kids. Mackenzie Kerper, camps and programs coordinator, at Northwest Kidney Kids, said, “Strut Your Kidney is a way for our Kidney Community to raise awareness regarding kidney disease, our organization, and the work that we do.”
This nonprofit organization helps to inspire kids with kidney-related diseases every day. Mackenzie Kerper, camps and programs coordinator, at Northwest Kidney Kids, said, “What the public needs to know: These kids are truly warriors! They have fought some tough battles throughout their lifetime already, and that’s just the beginning. They will be battling kidney disease for the rest of their lives, there is no cure.”
There were about 175 participants in the “Strut Your Kidney” Fun Run and an additional 25 online donors. Overall, the event raised $5,000 for Northwest Kidney Kids.
Devree’s favorite part was working at the race selling shirts and having guests sign-in. She also really liked the complimentary hot chocolate.
Team Devree wants to thank Fred Meyer, Dutch Bros, and Coastal Farm and Ranch for their contributions to the event, as well as all the planners, participants, and supporters.
Jessica said, “We are grateful for our village who has seen us through some tough times and continue to support all of us.”
Jessica said, “Devree is a fighter and I think the world has big plans for her, the impact she has had on people’s lives in 7 years of life is pretty incredible.”