Sarah Wyatt, 9, knows her way around a drum set!
On April 23, it was announced that Sarah won the first to fourth grade category of the Umpqua Actors Community Theatre Youth Talent Competition. This is her second year in a row of coming in first in her age bracket for the local talent show.
Sarah was thrilled to find out that she won. “I feel very excited!,” she said.
Sarah has been playing drums for five years.
“I was at church and my Dad noticed I was transfixed by the drummer,” Sarah said. “He asked if I liked the drums and I answered yes. Not long after that, I got a junior drum kit, which is now replaced by a full set.”
Originally, Sarah was being taught by her father, Phil Wyatt.
“My Dad taught me some basic, but useful skills for two years,” she said. “At the age of six, I switched to a professional drum teacher, Jeanette Kangas. She is an awesome teacher and has been my teacher ever since.”
Sarah’s favorite song to play on the drums is “Cuff the Criminal” by Christian rock band Disciple. “It is a terrific song and is on the album Love Letter Kill Shot,” Sarah said. “I like playing rock beats and also making up new beats.”
Not only does Sarah play drums, but she also does quite a few other activities, such as Legos, sewing, track, coloring and writing.
“I have started writing a few books, but am thinking of rewriting one and may rewrite the other,” Sarah said. “I also love science and space, and may become a scientist.”
Many other people in Sarah’s family play instruments. Her father plays guitar, trumpet and a bit of drums. Her grandmother and cousin play piano, another cousin plays timpani, another cousin plays violin, and she’s sure there are more musicians in the family.
Her dad, Phil, said, “The Lord truly blessed her with the gift of drumming, and I absolutely love to hear Sarah play. She works very hard practicing and enjoys pushing the limits to get better and better. She also has a lot of fun, which makes her drumming quite enjoyable.”
There are many paths Sarah could choose with drumming.
“I have dreamed about starting a band (me starring as the drummer, of course),” she said Tuesday. “I do have plans to attend online college classes in the future. I also have thought about becoming a drum teacher, following the footsteps of my current drum teacher.”
Sarah Wyatt plays her drums on Tuesday.
Sarah Wyatt crosses her drum sticks on Tuesday.