Gift of Life-A New Kidney for Devree Guido

Devree Guido enjoys her first banana since June due to diet restrictions just one day after surgery that took place on the 19th. All photos courtesy of Jessica Guido. Devree Guido was scheduled to have a kidney transplant on Dec. 22 at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford University in Palo Alto. On  Dec. 19, Continue Reading

Fremont FBLA Spreads Cheer to Seniors

Fremont Middle School’s Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) found a creative way to spread joy to Roseburg’s seniors, responsibly and safely. Members shot videos telling about their favorite thing to do over the holidays. The videos were constructed into a virtual Christmas Card. FBLA members brought bright, cheerful posters to 8 senior living facilities Continue Reading

Virtual Leadership Experience

On Wednesday, November 18th Oregon’s Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) attended the Fall Virtual Leadership Experience. This event was organized by TeamTri, GIANT, and the Department of Education for career and technical student organizations from Oregon.  During the conference, students got the opportunity to listen to inspiring speakers, engage in leadership conversation, participate in Continue Reading